An image with multiple ways of saying "hello" and "welcome" in a variety of conlangs

Image of a mouse among sunflowers and a large bag for collecting sunflower seeds; information about the day's prompt appears on the sunflowers and bag
Conlang Year, Day 59 prompt

Goal: Update your dictionary to include all forms

Note: Be sure all the words you created made it in the dictionary.

Tip: Some dictionaries have entries for affixes.

Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share

One problem I frequently encounter is that I note the lexical sources I want to use for grammaticalizing a particular inflection but then forget to add that lexical source to my dictionary. Just in case there are others like me out there… I’ve reserved a day for your to make sure all the lexical sources you decided to use for inflectional markers made it into your dictionary. You may also want to create entries for any affixes you created. That one is up to you. Some dictionaries include affixes; others don’t. Do whatever works best for you to remember the forms.

Documentation really is incredibly important. That’s why I’ve set aside so many days to clean up or expand documentation. If you don’t need to update anything, you can take the day to review what you have for your conlang so far, make sure you haven’t forgotten or overlooked any features, or create new roots. You can always create new words as long as you don’t forget to document them!