Goal: Create “absence” indefinite forms
Note: These include forms like no, none, no one, nothing, nobody.
Tip: Consider whether a singular or plural noun should occur with the modifier form.
Work focus: Create/Make/List
Finally, turn your focus to the indefinite forms that indicate an absence of an entity. Unlike the other forms discussed so far, these modifier and pronoun forms differ in English, where no is used as a modifier (e.g. There are no apples at the store) and none as a pronoun (e.g. There are none at the store). Other indefinite forms in English are compounds, like no one, nothing, and nobody.
When you create these, another decision to make is whether the noun occurring with the modifier form requires a particular number inflection. For instance, in English, the plural is generally used (no apples) while, in Spanish, the singular is typically used (ninguna manzana) in such instances.