Goal: Make a plan for numbers in NPs
Note: Focus on the ordering of Num-N and potential pronominal forms.
Tip: List what numbers you will need for cardinal forms.
Work focus: Organize/Plan/Structure
Organize your notes on numbers and the ways they interact with nouns. As you make a plan, be sure to indicate how you want to order numbers and nouns and how a number’s adnominal form might differ from its pronominal form (e.g. the difference between “two cats” and “I see two”). Make a list of what number roots you need to create in the coming days, which depends on what base you chose for your language. For instance, if you chose a base-5 system, you may only need to create six unique roots for your number system (forms for “zero, one, two, three, four, five”). Use today to organize your thoughts and prepare for the upcoming focuses on creating numbers.