Goal: Create examples of other phrase types
Note: Include modifier phrases, verb phrases, adposition phrases, etc.
Tip: You can decide whether a single strategy will cover all phrase types.
Work focus: Create/Make/List
Expand your examples of coordinated phrases to include other phrase types, such as verb phrases (e.g. “I [swam and rowed a boat] yesterday”), adposition phrases (e.g. “I walked [to the street and around the corner]”), and modifier phrases (e.g. “The [big and fluffy] dog is cute”).
Your coordination strategy may be the same for all phrase types, so these examples may look similar to the noun phrase examples you created a couple days ago. And that’s absolutely fine!
However, if you decided to use different coordination strategies, such as using the comitative for joining noun phrases but a dedicated conjunction for joining any other type of phrase, then make sure you use the appropriate coordinating strategy for each example you create.