Decorative image of a mouse walking on a path, playing a stringed instrument
Conlang Year, Day 199 prompt

Goal: Make a plan for wh-questions targeting adverb info

Note: Focus more generally on issues like word order and wh-word placement.

Tip: These target information like where, when, why, and how.

Work focus: Organize/Plan/Structure

Turn your attention today to wh-questions that target adverbial information, such as time, manner, place, and reason. In other words, questions like “where? when? why? how?” For now, focus on the bigger picture of those questions, such as laying out a plan for wh-word placement in such questions. Will these questions follow the same pattern as the nominal wh-word questions? If the wh-words occur in situ, is there a preferred location? 

Adverbial information may be more fluid in your language than NP placement, so consider where these words will occur relative to the arguments in the clause. You’ll spend time over the next four days actually creating forms and example questions, so use today to explore options and setting yourself up for that process.