Goal: Consider phrasal modification strategies for nouns
Note: Along with relative clauses, phrases can modify head nouns within the noun phrase.
Tip: Adposition phrases are common phrasal modifiers.
Work focus: Learn/Brainstorm/Try
Relative clauses modify head nouns in full clause form, but phrases can also modify head nouns, such as adposition phrases. For instance, in “The mouse in a hat picked a flower,” the preposition phrase “in a hat” modifies the head noun “mouse” to indicate which mouse picked the flower.
Consider how you want to treat phrasal modifiers of nouns, which may or may not follow the same placement as relative clauses. The next four days will give you chances to specifically plan out strategies for different types of phrasal modifiers: adposition phrases, participial phrases, and infinitive phrases.
I encourage you to research languages that share some of the same patterns as yours to see how these kinds of phrasal modifiers are treated and whether they follow the same placement as relative clauses.