Goal: Create sentences with cognition verbs
Note: Depending on your chosen strategy, these may incorporate embedded noun clauses.
Tip: An example is “I believe she wore a purple hat.”
Work focus: Create/Make/List
Today’s focus builds on yesterday’s, focusing on cognition verbs rather than communication verbs, as in these examples:
- We thought (that) she sewed the blanket.
- Zhiek believes (that) the committee is meeting tonight.
- I believe (that) she wore a purple hat.
English handles these noun clauses the same way as the clauses embedded with communication verbs—that is, there is no additional marking on the embedded verb other than tense/aspect. Some languages require the embedded verbs to be marked for conditionality—a way of saying “this information is believed but not necessarily accurate.”
Using the features you’ve chosen for your language, create example sentences like the bulleted ones here to showcase how your language works.