An image with multiple ways of saying "hello" and "welcome" in a variety of conlangs

A decorative image of the daily prompt with a mouse holding a pumpkin
Conlang Year, Day 276 prompt

Goal: Update your grammar’s adverb section

Note: Incorporate the examples of comparative/superlative situations.

Tip: It may work better to have a section dedicated to comparisons.

Work focus: Solidify/Write/Share

Today is a documentation day. Incorporate the examples you created for adverbs in comparative and superlative situations to demonstrate how your conlang handles them—whether your language has an inflection, phrasal construction, clausal construction, or no dedicated comparative strategy.

If your language uses the same forms/structures for adjectives and adverbs in comparative and superlative contexts, it may serve you better to have a section of your grammar on those forms and then provide information and examples for those adjectives and adverbs in that one section. Organize the information in a way that makes sense for your language!