Goal: Make one more pass over your work or create more forms
Note: If your work is set, create more forms for your language.
Tip: It’s always good to triple-check your translation and/or orthography work.
Work focus: Create/Make/List
The goal for today is to make one more close pass over your translation, looking at the nitty-gritty details. It’s always good to triple-check your translation work. I’ve said it before and will say it again—translation is hard work, and it’s easy to make a mistake that you miss the first and second times you look at a text! The same goes for using your orthography to spell out forms in your language. Until you’re used to the shapes and how it works, it can be difficult to spot errors, so it’s good to go over work a few times.
If you got to today knowing you’re happy with your work, then use today to create new words or a new grammatical construction.