Goal: Create examples with ordinal numbers
Note: Use ordinal numbers in a variety of contexts and different positions.
Tip: Ordinal forms may also be pronoun forms.
Work focus: Create/Make/List
Spend your time today creating examples with ordinal numbers. Make sure you use the ordinal numbers in a variety of noun phrase structures (e.g. with modifiers and, if you have them, with determiners or other grammatical forms that can occur in noun phrases). Also create examples so the noun phrases with ordinal numbers occur in a variety of clause positions (e.g. subject, object, object of an adposition). Make sure you are happy with how the noun phrases and clause structures are coming together with your number forms.
Ordinal numbers may also be used as pronouns in some languages. Decide if you want to allow ordinal numbers to be used as pronouns and, if so, make some examples to show how they work (especially in regard to case-marking, if you mark case).